Thursday, November 17, 2011


November 17, 2011

Today is the Velvet Revolution in the Czech Republic.  Twenty one years ago, over 500,000 students protested against the government and eventually the Communist government was overthrown. Last year, on this date, I was in Prague with my friend Romana and her family.  It was pretty surreal to be in the city where most of the protests started and a new form of government was created.  I created a power point for my students at Cavelero and shared a little bit about the history of the Velvet Revolution and tried to broadened their cultural horizons.  I am not sure how much of an impact that I made but if I connected with at least one person...then job is done :)

Winter is definitely approaching.  This morning on the way to work, there was actually snow on my car when I left my house.  The weather forecasts for snow tonight....I told my first period class about how in the Czech Republic they do not have snow days.  Their eyes widened.  I said they had to take public transportation to school and they were shocked that the kids had to pay everyday for transportation.  When I told them they had to get to school even in 10 inches of snow, one student commented, "do they get in trouble if they are late?" Ha....their first thought was getting in trouble, not that they luckily made it to school.  Kids.